Navigating Grievances
Grievances can often rise in a workplace ranging from a mild disagreement between co-workers to a serious complaint about working practice, conditions or discrimination issues which can lead to a termination of employment. Recognizing the significance of addressing these grievances effectively, there is a legal framework that safeguards the rights and interests of individuals and can escalate to the appropriate level.
Resolving a Grievance
Informal Resolution: Often, grievances can be resolved through informal means, such as open dialogue, negotiation, or mediation. This approach is encouraged to foster amicable resolutions and maintain positive relationships.
Internal Complaints Procedure: Many organizations have established internal complaint procedures that allow individuals to raise grievances within the workplace or a specific institution. This involves submitting a formal complaint to the relevant authority or management, who will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it internally.
Employment Tribunals: Employment tribunals provide a formal legal process for resolving workplace-related grievances. Individuals can bring claims related to unfair dismissal, discrimination, harassment, or breaches of employment contracts. The tribunal will examine the evidence and make a legally binding decision.
Settlement Agreement: A settlement agreement is often a good option for parties with a serious grievance as it will provide legal closure to the grievance complaint for all parties and usually a settlement payment for the employee. It is also often a far cheaper option then going to the Employment Tribunal and by negotiating an agreed outcome the parties also often end the matter on a far more amicable note then if they had gone to the Tribunal which can be important if there are ongoing relationships between the parties.
It is often useful to seek legal advice when a grievance has arisen at work in order that you can understand your employment rights and options in managing and escalating appropriately the situation.
Whether you are an employee or employer please call 0208 446 6223 to speak to someone on our employment team or email